Screenbuzz’s new category, Scenebuzz, highlights exceptional scenes in movies and explores them in more detail than a review. This week’s Scenebuzz, features Madeline Kahn in the classic comedy Blazing Saddles, which was written and directed by Mel Brooks in 1974. She was nominated for an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress for her role in the film.

Madeline’s character, Lili Von Shtüpp has been asked by Governor Hedley Lamar, to seduce and abandon the new Sheriff of Rockridge, played by Cleavon Little. Lili agrees to the task and invites the Sheriff to the saloon to watch her performance. The song, ‘Tired’ is a classic Mel Brooks number that describes the trials and tribulations of having multiple relations with men. The lyrics are absolutely genius and just too funny!
I’ve been with thousands of men
Again and again
They promise the moon
They’re always coming and going
And going and coming
And always too soon
Right girls? – Lili Von Shtüpp
The Character Lili Von Shtüpp is based on German American singer and actress, Marlene Dietrich whose career crossed almost seven decades.

Madeline’s performance cracks me up every time. The character can’t pronounce r’s correctly and this adds a nice touch to the whole performance, especially ‘I’m not a wabbit!’

They start with Byron and Shelly then jump on your belly and burst your balloons.
Mel Brooks in an interview, described Madeline as ‘one of the single best comedians ever lived’ and added that she only ever needed one take.
Sadly Madeline died of cancer in 1999. Her legacy and talent will live on forever. Thank you Madeline!